Fordham Westchester Celebrates International Women’s Day

In Celebration of International Women’s Day on March 8, 2020, the GSS Student Congress, Humanitarian Student Union, and Institute of Women and Girls are co-sponsoring a toiletry drive and letter writing campaign 

Toiletry Drive Now through Friday, March 13
Drop off bins located outside Room 104

To benefit women and girls, asylum seekers and refugees
Suggested Items to donate (new items only):

  • Deodorant
  • Soap
  • Pads
  • Tampons
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner 
  • Hand Cream
  • Lotion

If desired, toiletry items could be packaged in handbags or purses that are in good condition that you would like to donate.All toiletry items collected will be donated to Catholic Charities/Refugee Resettlement and Immigration and Refugee Services

Awareness Raising and Letter Writing Campaign 
Tuesday, March 10 from 12:45pm-1:30pm
Fordham Westchester Lobby

MIGRANT WOMEN HAVE RIGHTS!  You can be their voice.

Join us and send a letter to your Senator at this one day letter writing campaign to advocate for the rights of women asylum seekers and refugees

Thank you for your consideration and generosity.